Monday, September 19, 2016

Bad Design vs Good Design

I choose the brand Nike mainly because I been using their product ever since I was a little kid in terms of shoes for sports. As you can see there's been a difference in logos from 1971 till today. Not huge changes have been made but I'm glad they made these changes because looking back at their older logos, I'm not a big fan of it now. I don't remember the 1971 looking logo but that just looks horrible with the NIKE going across the swoosh. I do remember the 1978 and 1985 logo where it was basically the same design with the NIKE hovering above the swoosh they just made the first logo black and the second one white. I do remember at a time when that look was it and didn't think they would change anything. Now as the current logo is very simple just having the swoosh sign. I think Nike was able to do that now which is a much cleaner look is because Nike is well established so most people can see the swoosh sign and instantly know it's from Nike. Never really thought about the change of logo from this company till we had this assignment.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Contrast, Harmony, and Balance

Here's a picture I took in Brooklyn, New York at a park. The contrast is there since it is a black and white photo that I did. It has balance from the reflection from almost everything from the clouds to the log and the trees on both sides. Also the photo itself is very balanced landscape shot. The harmony in the photo being black and white and a park scene makes you feel calm. The water isn't rough at all and seems very quiet although the park was very loud with lots of people. I somehow managed to get this picture with nobody around which makes it seem quiet and peaceful.